Tyrannosaurus 9000 BMH Technology

Tyrannosaurus 9000

Tyrannosaurus 9000 BMH Technology machinery

TYRANNOSAURUS® 9000 BioCrushers

The TYRANNOSAURUS® 9000 Low Speed ​​Bio Shredder is a safe, economical and efficient way to crush, for example, wood waste, bales, pallets or logs as well as cartons, paper rolls and other packaging material. Low speed crushing means less dust and fine particles. It reduces the risk of sparks, fires and dust explosions as well as the likelihood of damage caused by metal and stones.

The TYRANNOSAURUS® Bio Crusher, even when used for heavy materials, produces at the same capacity with high availability and low operating costs.

It has a large entrance chute located above the crusher to receive the material both from a previously placed conveyor belt and directly from a vehicle, even from an entire truck at a time. ​The rotor is equipped with teeth, made of special steel, which can be rotated and easily replaced. The operation of the rotor is reversible and the crushing occurs in both directions.

The TYRANNOSAURUS® 9000 Bio Crushers are available with single or double rotor designs and various drive alternatives to meet different capacity and input material needs.